how to guide and fundamentals of Surfing
is a surface water sport in which the wave rider, referred
to as a surfer, rides on the forward or deep face of
a moving wave, which is usually carrying the surfer
towards the shore. Waves suitable for surfing are primarily
found in the ocean, but can also be found in lakes or
in rivers in the form of a standing wave or tidal bore.
However, surfers can also utilize man-made waves such
as those from boat wakes and the waves created in artificial
wave pools. The term surfing refers to the act of riding
a wave, regardless of whether the wave is ridden with
a board or without a board, and regardless of the stance
used (goofy or regular stance). The native peoples of
the Pacific, for instance, surfed waves on alaia, paipo,
and other such craft, and did so on their bellies and
knees. The modern-day definition of surfing, however,
most often refers to a surfer riding a wave standing
up on a surfboard; this is also referred to as stand-up
"Drop-In" Front of Anyone Not Only It's Rude
It is also Unsafe!
in on someone is when you get in the way of the surfer
on the main "peak" of the wave. If a surfer
is coming towards you, and you are on the "shoulder",
you can ruin a wave for both you and the surfer, and
is very dangerous and costly. This happens all the time,
but mostly on accident. One simple thing to prevent
this is to look for the surfers around you.

great surfing experience is when you are able to ride
at least One really "killer" wave, Two really
"Great" waves and three or more "OK"
waves with in a 90 minute time period with no conflicts
or injuries
tend to show every minute but good one show up every
five minutes and twenty to forty five minutes for the
the better ones; so it can be hard to share the good
waves that you can enjoy.
you are a beginner you should consider a few things
before paddling out.
there a lot of surfers out?
You should learn as far away as possible from others.
How are the conditions, and the surroundings?
Pay attention to rip-tides and other Hazards.
Is there a lifeguard nearby?
It is highly recommend to learn as close to a lifeguard
Tower as possible.
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